Understanding Florida’s New Insurance Law and Partial Fault Accident Lawsuits in Delray Beach FL

Understanding Florida's New Insurance Law and Partial Fault Accident Lawsuits in Delray Beach FL

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In recent years, Florida has implemented changes to its insurance laws, particularly in relation to partial fault accident lawsuits. These modifications claim to streamline the legal process, provide clarity to insurance claims, and ensure fair compensation for all parties involved. In this blog post, we will explore Florida's new insurance law and its impact on partial fault accident lawsuits. Additionally, we will discuss the importance of seeking medical and chiropractic care in Delray Beach FL, emphasizing the services provided by Freedom Chiropractic.

Understanding Partial Fault Accident Lawsuits in Delray Beach FL

Partial fault accident lawsuits arise when multiple parties share some degree of responsibility for an incident. In the past, Florida followed a pure comparative fault rule, allowing accident victims to seek compensation even if they were partially at fault. However, the new insurance law passed this year has introduced changes to this system.

Florida's New Insurance Law

Florida now operates under a comparative fault system with a 50% bar rule. Under this system, accident victims can only seek compensation if they are found to be less than 50% at fault for the incident. If a court determines that the victim's level of fault equals or exceeds 50%, they will be barred from recovering any damages.

The Importance of Seeking Medical and Chiropractic Care

Regardless of whether your lawyer accepts or rejects your case, it is crucial to seek immediate medical and chiropractic care after being involved in an accident. Your health and well-being should always be the top priority. Even if your case is turned down, seeking medical attention is essential for several reasons:

  1. Personal well-being: Following an accident, you may have sustained injuries that are not immediately apparent. Some injuries, such as soft tissue damage or whiplash, may not manifest symptoms until days or even weeks later. Seeking medical care ensures that any injuries are properly diagnosed and treated, allowing you to recover effectively.
  2. Establishing a medical record: Obtaining a thorough medical evaluation creates a documented record of your injuries and their connection to the accident. This record can be invaluable if you decide to pursue a personal injury claim in the future or if your case is reconsidered by another attorney.
  3. Preserving evidence: Seeking immediate medical care helps establish a causal link between the accident and your injuries. Insurance companies and courts often scrutinize the timeliness of medical treatment, and delayed or inconsistent care can be used as a basis to challenge the severity or legitimacy of your injuries.
  4. Personal injury protection (PIP) benefits: In Florida, the state's no-fault insurance system provides Personal Injury Protection (PIP) benefits to cover medical expenses, regardless of fault. Seeking medical care promptly allows you to utilize these benefits and receive the necessary treatment while your legal options are being evaluated. Also, a reminder that you must seek medical care within 14 days of your accident to qualify for full PIP benefits according to current Florida law.

Freedom Chiropractic in Delray Beach and Pompano Beach

When seeking chiropractic care in Delray Beach or Pompano Beach, Freedom Chiropractic is an excellent choice. We offer comprehensive chiropractic services to successfully help accident victims recover from injuries and alleviate pain. Our team of skilled chiropractors and healthcare professionals specializes in treating various musculoskeletal conditions caused by accidents, including back pain, neck pain, whiplash injuries, headaches and more.

With state-of-the-art facilities, Freedom Chiropractic provides personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs. Through chiropractic adjustments, therapeutic exercises, trigger point therapy, decompression, shockwave therapy and other modalities, we aim to restore mobility, reduce pain, and promote overall well-being.


Florida's new insurance law has brought changes to the way partial fault accident lawsuits are handled, incorporating a comparative fault system with a 50% bar rule. Regardless of whether your lawyer accepts or rejects your case, it is essential to prioritize your health and seek medical and chiropractic care promptly after an accident. Freedom Chiropractic in Delray Beach and Pompano Beach offers specialized chiropractic services to help accident victims recover and heal. Remember, seeking professional medical care is crucial for your well-being and to support any potential legal actions you may undertake in the future. Schedule an appointment today.

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Freedom Chiropractic

801 SE 6th Ave #102
Delray Beach, FL 33483

(561) 808-7388
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